Project 4.4 (2019)

Optimisation of pavement fund allocation for pavement rehabilitation based on pavement condition data and remaining life cycle analytics

Australia spends more than 5% of the GDP on maintenance of Civil Infrastructure. Often funding allocations for critical infrastructure takes a siloed approach with each managing authority managing separate data bases and decision making practices. A common observation made is that a newly resurfaced road pavement is disturbed again within a short time frame to maintain or upgrade a utility asset located within or in the vicinity of the pavement. This project will develop an optimisation method for road pavement funding allocation considering a new generation pavement asset management system developed as part of project 4.1.2 and degradation and maintenance optimisation of other critical infrastructure assets located within the road pavements and the reserve. The research for the first time, will integrate the technical asset management systems for multiple assets related to the road network to a strategic asset management platform.

Project Objectives

1. Understand the drivers for allocation of funding for pavement rehabilitation and maintenance

2. Develop a funding optimisation algorithm considering the drivers (e.g.: level of service, physical condition, extreme events, climate change etc.)

3. Identify other assets affected by the condition and any maintenance work on the road pavements. E.g.: storm water drainage, gas, water utilities, tram lines, level crossings  etc. Identify drivers for maintenance of these.

4. Develop an optimisation method for funding allocation considering cross assets.

5. Integrate in to the outcomes of project 4.4.2

6. Validate the developed optimisation method


Chief Investigators: 
  • Professor Sujeeva Setunge (LCI - RMIT University)
  • Professor Le Hai Vu (Monash University)
  • Professor Mark Wallace (Monash University)
  • Dr Filippo Giustozzi (RMIT University)


Industry partners: 
Partner investigators: 
Ross Guppy (Austroads Ltd)