Project 4.5 (2020)

Development of smart traffic management options with connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs)

Connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) is an emerging technology that can significantly improve road safety and reduce congestion. The former is because the majority of accidents are caused by human errors, whilst the latter is underpinned by the capability of being connected while on the move to share information and coordinate for better and more efficient network flows.

Despite the many advantages, fully autonomous vehicle will unlikely to be materialised soon. Instead, there will be a long and complex transition period where AV will be operating under human supervision and in a mixed traffic with other vehicles driven by human.

This project seeks to investigate different traffic management options of such a mixed traffic in urban networks. The research will leverage knowledge in traffic theory, network modelling and optimisation to investigate and evaluate traffic management strategies for a safe and efficient mixed traffic network involving connected AVs.

Project Objectives

1. To investigate and evaluate the different traffic management options in urban roads networks involving connected and/or autonomous vehicles (C-AVs).

2. To develop a suitable traffic model for the evaluation of network management options given the availability of connectivity and possible cooperative behaviour among users with AVs.



Chief Investigators: 
  • Professor Le Hai Vu (LCI - Monash University
  • Professor Sujeeva Setunge (RMIT University)
  • Dr Yihai Fang (Monash University)
Partner investigators: 