Dr Didier Bodin is a Principal Professional Leader at the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB).
Didier is currently the Pavement Technology leader at ARRB in Melbourne, responsible for the delivery of major Austroads research projects. He is also member of the Austroads Pavement Task Force and represents Australia on the Technical Committee TC4.1 ‘Pavement’ of the World Road Association (PIARC).
Since he joined the pavement team in October 2010, his research has focused on a range of Pavement Technology related projects dealing with modelling and prediction of bound and unbound pavement performance. His research involved different facets of pavement engineering including laboratory material characterisation, full-scale accelerated pavement testing and numerical modelling.
Dr Bodin previously spent ten years as a researcher at LCPC (Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées – France) in the Pavements Department investigating asphalt fatigue characterisation and modelling. More widely, his research interests are in the areas of pavement material characterisation, pavement response, performance modelling/prediction and pavement design.
Prior to joining ARRB, Didier gained work experience overseas including two years in Africa and also worked for one year in the UK at the Nottingham Centre for Pavement Engineering of the University of Nottingham funded by the British Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).