Viet Vo

Viet Vo is currently a Research Fellow at Monash University. Before that, he worked as a Sessional Lecturer and Research Assistant at Monash University. His research interest includes data security and privacy for smart sensing systems, machine learning security and privacy, and confidential computing. his research has been supported by Monash University, CSIRO Data61, and Oceania Cyber Security Centre. In the past few years, his work has appeared in prestigious venues in cybersecurity, distributed systems, and distributed systems, and the knowledge and data engineering aspects of computer science and artificial intelligence, such as ACM CCS, ACNS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TDSC. He received the best paper awards at IEEE International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies,Research, Innovation, and Vision for the Future (IEEE RIVF'11), and the International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Security (ICCAIS'12).

Doctor of Philosophy, Monash University, Australia
Master of Philosophy, Monash University, Australia
Master of Engineering, Chonnam National University, South Korea
Bachelor of Science, University of Science, Vietnam